Tuesday, June 3, 2014




When shooting the ball you want to make sure your in a good position and you can see your target, the goal.You would want to aim for the top corners or bottom ones where the keeper can't get to it.Make sure you use your laces either on the inside or the outside of the cleat.For a powerful shot you want to follow through with your shot landing on the foot you kicked the ball with.For a curled shot you would want to kick the ball off center causing a spinning effect on the ball and the location of the ball would be somewhat low to the side which gives it the spinning and top spin effect making the ball dip.For a regular shot place your other foot next to the ball and follow through with your shot just like a free kick.Hope that helps out with what your looking for!

Filed Vision

Field vision


 Your field vision for soccer should be really good depending on the position you play.Midfielders normally have the best field vision because well there position says it all there in the middle, the wingers (left-right) normally play the wings of the pitch as shown in the picture above.The wingers would make runs to either get a scoring opportunity for themselves or for other players by putting in a cross to about the penalty area.The field vision comes into play by not always looking down at the ball but to look up and use peripheral vision to see and keep the ball at your feet and to look around to see if any teammates are opened on the pitch for a pass.Hope this helps out learning your field vision!  

strength and sheilding

Your strength in soccer helps and allows you to move a player off the ball so that your team is able to get possession of the ball and get that scoring opportunity.When getting a player off the ball you have to remember that when doing so the contact cannot be done with the elbow, your elbow has to be tucked in and you move that player away with your shoulder.As you are doing this be sure that you go down and then come up as you are making contact with that player.Shielding the ball is more of a defensive technique because your putting your body between the player and the ball also not allowing them to get the ball.Hope that helps!



Your footwork also helps a lot in the game of soccer. It helps you move along the field in a way to create space and beat a defender or a opposing player.Footwork is mainly another word or term for ball control your ball control allows you to not let the defender get the ball away from you, it makes it so that if needed you can make a quick move and beat the
defender, do a 1-2 pass with your teammate and score a goal or try to score a goal.
Footwork can also be fun to do when you do them correctly that is when the practice comes in to do all those fancy tricks that professionals do they work all the time on finessing these skills to be good and you can do the same just with all the time and practice you can do these skills as well.Thank you for your time and I hope it helps out!


Dribbling the ball

 dribbling the soccer ball takes a lot of practice and time to learn. It also help you move down the field and get a chance for you or a teammate to score a goal for your team and win the game. Dribbling  can be done in multiple ways, the inside of your foot, outside, and the top of it, depending on your run and the direction it's going in. When having the good control of the ball you can then do different things with it that can be very difficult for most players to do but with the practice and dedication anything can happen and you might even be amazed at what you can do when having a good touch on the ball and good dribbling control.I hope this helps what your looking for and answers any questions you have thank you!